We equip the patient’s room as if it were a hospital with personalized attention, with previous medical authorization.
Homecare is indicated for post-op patients, palliative care and elderly care.
Throughout the last years, attention at home has become a more cost-accessible option than directly at the hospital. According to each patient’s condition, the treating physician may recommend the installation of the necessary medical equipment so that the treatment and recovery can happen at home.
From basic equipment like a hospital bed, to specialized nurses, Homecare is custom-made for each patient. Both insurance companies and medical institutions have opted for this modality when the patient meets certain criteria in order to contain costs that may generate at the hospital.
Homecare currently goes beyond having a nurse at home, you may have all the necessary equipment at your reach to recover at the comfort of your own home.
At Abeile Med, we equip the patient’s room as if it were a hospital with personalized attention, with previous medical authorization; meaning, we establish integral communications (between patient, family members and treating physician) to know each person’s needs and therefore offer a unique service for each patient and their diagnosis.
Homecare is indicated for post-op patients, in palliative care, elderly care and for pain management, among others.